Friday, September 22, 2006

Guilty pleasures???

I have found an interesting group of ladies on the web that are part of a digital scrapbooking group. My friend Meg, who is phenomenal at digital scrapbooking, was gracious enough to let me into their group and participate in the daily prompts. These are questions that give you something to think about as you go through your day. When you have your answer, you share by posting on your blog and you are privledged to read the other answers as well. VERY FUN!!!

Todays prompt...Guilty pleasures.

I could think of a couple right off the top of my head and chocolate is at the very top of that list. Lately though I find myself eating it with the children, quickly and unsavoringly, and it doesn't have the same effect.

Something I enjoy when no one else is around, the kids are asleep and the house is quiet??? As The World Turns. I tape it every single day and watch it on Friday nights when the housework doesn't need to be done for the next morning. I LOVE IT!!! Jack and Carly, Gwen and Will, Jade has GOT TO GO!! I love those people!! Their lives are interesting, as is mine, but it's nice to escape mine in a quiet sort of way and catch up on life in a (fake)small farming town in Missouri.


Unknown said...

Welcome to prompt group. Just been reading your blog and you are going to be an interesting addition to our group. Love your humor.

heather said...

Welcome to DSP blog topics! I don't know that show, but it must be good!!