Thursday, March 18, 2010

Isabella's chance

Conversation this morning...

I: Mom, did you know that Johnny Appleseed's home is the whole world?
M: Yes I did. Are you learning about that in school?
I: Uh huh. I wish my home could be the whole world.
M: Your home is the whole world. That's why you help take care of it.
I: I wish I had a chance to live with Grandma Cheyann. (what you and I think is left field, she can reason out. My guess is that, to her, Grandma Cheyann lives on the other side of the world.)
M: Well, let's call her and ask her.

I picked up the phone to call Mom at work and told her that Isabella needed to speak to her. Isabella told Grandma Cheyann that she wanted a chance to live with her.

My Mom: Isabella, I think that is wonderful. Is your Mom ok with that??
I: (holds the phone away from her ear and whispers) Mom, are you ok with that?
Me: Yes, I'm ok with that.
I: BEAMS from ear to ear. :-)
My Mom: You and your mom discuss it and let me know when I'm supposed to pick you up at the airport.
I: OK! Here's my mom!

Isabella runs away to finish playing outside with Nicholas before we have to leave for school while Mom and I just laugh on the phone. This child is a crack up!
Now, it's time to help her pack!!!

My crazy, imaginative, creative, funny, sweet little girl......

One of my favorite pictures of us. (Taken by another parent who reminded me that I need to get in the pictures too. I tend to forget that part!) :-)

1 comment:

Magz said...

I love this picture of reminds me of way back look great!!