Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It's almost 8:15, everyone should be ready for school and dressed in green, backpacks ready and by the door, waiting for the signal from me (usually a slightly louder than normal "let's go") to head out the door and get in the car. This morning, one was still brushing her teeth while the other 2 were outside riding bikes and playing tetherball.

I finally manage to gather them together to try to take a picture. There is complaining and running away because a fight insued about who was going to be in the middle. I promised to take a series of pictures with each child in the middle. (Little do they know that it worked to my benefit because I got to snap more photos. BUT I played their game without ratting myself out.)

Nicholas leprechan in the middle....
Isabella leprechan in the middle....
And lastly, Gabriella leprechan in the middle...

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone from our happy little leprechans to yours!!!

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