Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

So many times I have thought about you. I want to write to you, write on you, tell you funny stories, and post pictures but time just gets away from me. :-(

I reread you today and realized how nice it is having you in my life to remind me of things that I would have otherwise forgotten. You will someday be something that I can look back on and something that my children can turn to for memories. For that reason alone, I am going to REALLY TRY to visit you more often and post something, no matter how trivial or silly.

Now, that being said, I know that I have said it before but I would like to recommit myself to you. I value you and the memories you hold. Those from the past and those that are yet to be created.

Let's start today!!!

This is our family at Lake Tahoe, CA. We decided to take a trip over President's Week while the kids were out of school. The most recent picture of all of us together. :-)
(Thank you Chris for taking it)!!!

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