Thursday, November 09, 2006


There are a bunch of bloggers that participate in a meme called the Thursday Thirteen. Today, you're joining them!

You can write about any subject, but you have to think up 13 things.

13 things about me.
13 things I like about living where I do
13 things my children say that crack me up
13 things to do this weekend.

Got it? GO!
This could take a minute...

Thirteen things my children are doing...

Nicholas is tying his own shoes.
Isabella zipped her own jacket.
Gabriella got her first tooth Sunday.
Nicholas can swing himself on the swings.
Isabella climbed a high ladder to get to the slide...way high.
Gabriella started crawling yesterday.
Nicholas made dinner for the family last night...fondue.
Isabella "washed" her own hair in the shower.
Nicholas is addicted to K-Nex and wants to build from morning til night.
Isabella swears she is a princess..but refuses to kiss her Dad.
Gabriella is NOT sleeping again but I'm sure it's teeth related.
Nicholas and Isabella are at school and...
Gabriella is waking up from her nap.

WHEW!!! That was exhausting. They are growing too fast!!!


loonyhiker said...

What a wonderful list to refer back to in a couple of years. This will bring back great memories!

Unknown said...

It is a great list to keep handy. It won't be long before those memories slide into the back of your mind and memories.

Glynis said...

This is such a great list! I love the busy-ness of our house right now and know that as the years change things, I will long for these days again!

Magz said...

Love this Mich!
I'm going to make one about the girls and scrap it.

I can't believe Gabriella is crawling, and more than that...NICHOLAS IS MAKING DINNER?!?!