Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Spread the love

Today's prompt
Today is my (Meg's) anniversary, so help me spread the love!

Celebrate your relationship with someone in your life. It doesn't have to be a spouse, it could be kids, parents, or even the mail carrier that waves to you everyday!

I choose my husband and my children. This Friday I am flying to Oregon to finally catch up with the rest of my family. Jeffrey is approaching three weeks of Daddy-time with our older two and I have had Mommy-time with Gabriella. All of us will be together Friday night just in time for bath, storytime, and bed. (Something tells me that the children will be up a little later that night.) At any rate, here is the update!!!

Nicholas's bedroom no longer has stripes and is now the same color as my bedroom. Don't ask!!! His new bed is getting delivered today and his room will officially be finished. My bedroom and bathroom are painted and pictures hung on the wall thanks to my neighbor Craig. Just as he was hanging them, the electricity went out due to a storm but he persevered. No one will notice if they are crooked, right??? (Just kidding). Every room has been purged of excess stuff and I am left with three nights of cleaning to make sure everything is in it's place before Jeff and the kids see it. I'll update later with a "They love it/hate it" post.

I am excited to see my family. I haven't spoken to the children in about three days...not even for two minutes.. because they are busy having fun. I barely even speak to Jeff. It will be nice to have conversations with them again. A 14 hour car ride on the way home will take care of that. By the time we get home on Sunday, I'll be talked out, my ears will be ringing, and I'll be asking them to be quiet...for just two minutes!!! :-)


Meg said...

So where are the pictures of the rooms????

I am so jealous of you right now, heading to Oregon. Have a wonderful time and give Jeff & the kids our love!

loonyhiker said...

Sounds like you have been really busy! Hope you have fun in Oregon. I've never been there!

Anonymous said...

WHAT? No stripes, what happened?

I wish I was meeting you in Oregon again this year. That was a fun vacation for me. (except for the boat incident on clam-day) haha
At least I can laugh about it.
Oh the memories!!!

Give the kids hugs & kisses from Grandma Cheyann..

Love you all.....

carin.c said...

How excited you must be to be together and to get "reactions". Looking forward to the followup posts!