Wednesday, October 04, 2006

5 minutes

Let go and write whatever!!! But only for five minutes. After that put your pen, errrr, your fingers down and don't go back to fix anything!

It's a timed assignment, but you're on the honor system, no cheating!

My life lately is mostly lists....

Go to the bank before vacation
Call in the school book order
Clean up
Wash preschoolers sheets Thursday night
Dinner with a friend tonight (she's making my chocolate cake)
Dinner with different friends tomorrow night (another chocolate cake)
(Had dinner with my in-laws last night...the first of three chocolate cakes)
HAPPY GIRL...TOO much cake!!!!
Pack for me and Gabriella
Grocery store for food for the school next week
Plan menus for Assistant to follow
Not enough time for picking up Gabriella's birth certificate so I'll take her shot records.
Gas in the car for the drive to the airport
Pack Special treats for the kids
Make last minute instructions for Assistant
Cancel newspaper
Ask Paul to water the front yard...sprinklers are broken
Then...five minutes are up...


Elizabeth said...

oh, i am tired just reading it!

i understand,though, i think we all feel like that sometimes.

loonyhiker said...

I love lists. The best thing about making lists is marking the items off. Such a boost in morale.

Glynis said...

Sounds so hectic, but isn't life great? I'm with Pat--having a list is fun but checking things off is even better!