Thursday, October 05, 2006


What can you hear right now, right where you're sitting? See how detailed you can get.

There are 11 children in my house right now and here is what I hear.

Inside...Six are in the living room and all I can hear is quiet breathing. The occasional roll-over, laugh, or chatter of a two year old's dreams are coming but all is quiet there. Three are in another room and I hear silence. One is in the bassinet and I hear him sucking his tiny thumb. Gabriella is trying to fall asleep so she is "singing" and banging the blinds off of her crib. Oh wait...QUIET!!! (Listening closer) She's almost asleep.

Outside...a garbage truck is about two streets over, big diesel engine, shaking the trash out of cans, and dropping them violently against the black top. The rain is flowing down the drain pipes making a clank as it hits the elbow of the drain..need to put a sponge in there..from a rain that started at 4:00 this morning.

My fingers are tapping on the keys as I update my blog and my brain is screaming out the list of things I have to do before I leave in the morning. I should go and try to accomplish some of them...silence the racket in my head!!!!!


carin.c said...

Sounds amazingly quiet for 11 kids in your house!!! What's your secret?

Glynis said...

Great descriptions!