Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day was kind of in two parts for me today. For the kids, the morning was filled with pancakes, cards, and hugs for Daddy. For me, the morning was filled with Skyping. I got to see my two Dads and my brother Jeff. We really didn't talk about anything important but I actually got to "see" them. Knowing that I won't be able to see them again until August (Mom and Tom) or November (Dad), this was a big deal for me. Dad was showing me what he pulled out of his garden, Jeff just sat and chatted, Tommy Boy was kinda quiet since we Skyped the night before, and the kids were interested in showing them all of our pets and just being silly. Being on Skype is possibly the best thing ever for a girl who lives 3000 miles away from her family. It was great seeing all of you! I miss you all so much and I can't wait to see you and visit with you again!!

The afternoon was filled with Jeff and the kids, a big pasta dinner in which Nicholas and Isabella made the sauce with Daddy, and swimming at Grandma and Papa's house. Every child demanded a little part of Jeff's time as he swam with them, threw them in the air, and chased them around the pool. Here are some highlights...

Jeffrey was on a raft and all of the kids decided to climb on him and play. At first it was Nicholas and Isabella until they decided to"pull into port" and pick up Gabby. How the raft stayed afloat, we didn't question!
Jeffrey and the kids...
plus Papa...
all making silly faces. :-)
Jeffrey and his Dad, Steve! Happy Father's Day Gentlemen!!

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