Sunday, June 07, 2009

Happy Birthday

This is the face of a sweet 6 year old. I tried to get her to go backwards and be 4 years old again but she wouldn't have it! :-)
We left Saturday morning and headed off to Santa Cruz so Isabella could spend her birthday at the ocean. The kids nor I had ever been there, Jeff is gone for the week, so off we went on our adventure. Building sand castles, chasing waves, riding rides on the Boardwalk, eating fish and chips, basking in the sun, feeling the breeze, and smelling the salty ocean air was heaven for all of us.

On the car ride back to Merced, Isabella crashed on her new horse pillow. Grandma and Papa bought her this horse pillow that has yet to leave her side. She slept with it last night and snuggled with it the entire 2 1/2 hour drive home (much to the dismay of Nicholas who was sitting next to her and literally had a horses tail in his face). She wants a horse birthday party so her friends can come and celebrate with her but we are a couple weekends away from that. This pillow should hold her over until then. She LOVES it!!
Happy Birthday my Sweet Isabella! I hope you had a wonderful 6th birthday!


Meg said...

Oh my word, look at her! Don't these kids realize how it KILLS us when they get older??? Happy Birthday, Isabella!!

SC Boardwalk was a favorite hangout when I was in high school, I'm glad you had a great time!

Amy said...

Adorable!!! What a fun day! You are such a great mom!

Jenni said...

I'm so happy you guys got to go and have such a great time. I have spent many a childhood weekend in Santa Cruz - my very first roller coaster was the Giant Dipper. These will be memories they'll keep for a lifetime. Tell Isabella I love her lots and Happy Birthday!