Sunday, June 28, 2009

Best ticket in town

Isabella's dance recital was last night. Nights like these are right up her alley. The make-up, the dress up costumes, the curling iron, the glitter in her hair and on her body, and she LOVES being on the stage. (If only she liked posing in 104 degree sun shining weather so I could take her picture.) I managed to salvage a few.
She had 2 different performances for last night's show. The first was a song from the Tinkerbell movie and it was probably her favorite costume and favorite dance. She has been wearing it all morning and I'd lay a good bet that this will be her Halloween costume! :-)

Sweet Tinkerbell
Her second dance was the song Stuck on You and she was dressed as Elvis. This outfit was sparkly and WAY cute.
Ah...the make up. This makes me warp ahead about 10 years. The performers are asked to wear blue eyeshadow so their eyes "pop out" and every year I'm forced to buy a new "blue". Who keeps blue eyeshadow laying around anyway???
At any rate, my little Tink and Miss Elvis loves it!
And I love her!

1 comment:

Grandma Cheyann said...

My beautiful Isabella. You are Grandma Cheyann's star. Your Mom needs to get you an agent!!!
Love you -