Thursday, June 11, 2009

Closing day

Baseball season 2009 has come to a close. This was the first year for us playing in Merced (played in the Atwater league the previous years) and it was interesting to see Nicholas back as the little fish in a big pond. He did very well, I can see his skills growing, he's gotten used to coach pitch vs. tee-ball, and I couldn't be prouder. His team went 11-1 and everyone had a great season. Way to go Green Machines!!!

His last at-bat for the season! Connected right at the end of the bat!!! :-)
A BBQ and family time took place right after the game. Thank you coaches for all of your hard work! Nicholas met new friends and was having dinner before saying goodbye!
His coach handing him his trophy and putting his medal around his neck!
My Slugger! Great playing Nicholas! Looking forward to next year!! :-)


Amy said...

Cute cute!!!! Way to go, Nick!

Grandma Cheyann said...

Great Job Nicholas. You are quite the "sportster" I am very proud of you.

Love Grandma Cheyann