Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

We had a great end to 2006 and a wonderful start to 2007.

Family came over for pasta, crab and games. Juliette took Uncle Mario and Aunt Shelly home (because they were tired) but not before the girls came from far behind in a game of Scene It only to lose by one in a tie breaker. Bummer!! I'm sure there will be a rematch. Gabby hung until 9:00, Nicholas and Isabella gave up shortly after 10:00, and Grandma, Papa, and Grandma Rose made it to 10:ish. Jeff, John, and I watched tv for the next 2 hours and rang in the New Year with champagne, neighbors, and hugs at midnight. Great night!!! Great laughs!!! Great memories!!!!

As for resolutions, I hope to be healthier and better myself somehow. Hopefully stay in touch with friends, far and near, a little better. My children came up with unusual resolutions themselves this afternoon. Nicholas hopes to 1..not break any glass and 2...not be around any cigarette smoke. (Not sure where either of them came from but OK.) Isabella's resolutions are a good friend and 2...not pee in her pants. How simple things are sometimes. We all need goals.

A few pictures of our party...

Three ladies patiently waiting for dinner.

Gabriella in her party hat.

Sitting down to dinner.

Happy New Year to all of you!!!!


Paula May said...

These are great photos and sounds like you had a fun time! Good resolutions as well, staying in touch with friends is important.

Tiffani said...

gotta love the "little kid logic" although after nine kids not peeing my pants (at least when I laugh or cough) might be a good one for me!