Wednesday, August 09, 2006

There is something about the last couple days of summer. The children are sleeping in, going to bed late, swimming, and hanging out. On our street, we hold an annual block party where everyone can get together for one last time before school starts up again. We spend all year driving by and waving to neighbors and not really getting a chance to chat. The week before school starts, everyone brings a dish, the kids ride bikes, we hang a big white sheet on our garage and play a children's movie on a projector, put the kids to bed and then play an adult movie. The entire night lasts about 6 hours and it is a great chance for all of us to catch up on each other's lives. All of us moved in here 3 years ago and the original group still stands. Three years ago, however, Nicholas was the only child playing outside. This year he is the oldest of 14 and 1 more on the way. Where does the time go???
Here is to one more week of lazy days, late nights, BBQ'S, the smell of sunscreen, and nights at the park before schedules, bed time, and arguing about being late for school starts.

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