Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School

We are at it again. They really are growing up!! The summer went by so quickly and we are already a full week into the school year. Nicholas is a big second grader, Isabella is in the first grade, and Gabriella is starting her second year of preschool.
Nicholas was completely unphased by the whole transition. He was excited to get to school, he asked me to read his class list at least a dozen times to see which friends were in his class, and he was up early Monday morning dressed in his school clothes that he had picked out the night before. (Thank you Grandma Cheyann for their *First Day of School* outfits)!!
Isabella was the COMPLETE opposite. She cried most of the morning and wanted nothing to do with getting ready. I removed her from the breakfast table, took her to her room, and tried to have a chat about what was wrong. Nothing really came from her but I think it was just apprehension about everything new for her.
Gabriella was just along for the ride and walked with Jeffrey and I to each of the classrooms.

Some pictures in the backyard before we headed out for our first day!
My bribery for taking a "good" picture is I have to let them take a "silly" one too. I'll never admit it to them but the silly ones are almost always my favorite!!
Mom took this picture of all of us right before loading into the car!!
The minute I walked Isabella into her classroom, her teacher (who I adore) was asking her some questions and she seemed to perk right up. I warned Mrs. Harden about her morning but distracted Isabella by telling her to find the cubby with her name on it. She hung her backpack, took a fabulous First Day of School picture, walked out on the playground with other classmates, and waited for the bell to ring. As I turned to check on Nicholas who by this point had already found his desk, hung his backpack, and was outside playing, I watched Isabella walk in a single file line with her class, led by their teacher, and she waved the biggest wave and smiled the biggest smile. All of her grief seemed to have disappeared. :-)
I snuck back in her classroom before leaving campus and took this picture... She was just fine!!
Having Nicholas and Isabella in the respective spots, it was Gabby's turn to have us take her to school. Actual preschool won't start for a few weeks but here is Gabby and Grandma, aka Mrs. Carol!
I am "That Mother" that went back to school at lunch time to check on my children. I took My Mom so she could see the mass chaos and I was happy to see that both children had already adjusted perfectly. Me? This was the first year that I made it through drop off without any tears. I must be growing up too!! :-)

1 comment:

Grandma Cheyann said...

I was really happy to be with Michelle and the kids for the first day of school. Living so far away I don't get to be involved as much as I would like. I hope Nicholas & Isabella have a GREAT school year. (I'm proud of you Michelle, no tears)

Love to all of you !!!!