Thursday, May 15, 2008

You had me at ....

The night time routine around here is getting crazy. No one wants to settle down, take baths, or do homework. Seems the only thing they do are run around like crazy people, their volume is constantly on HIGH, and it is driving me bananas. The other night, whether it is because I was tired or I had just had enough, I sent Nicholas and Isabella to their rooms. In Gabby's defense, she was fine so she stayed with me to watch a little Barney. At that moment, I got the lecture (albeit full of untruths) that they will now settle down, listen, and watch tv with Gabby.

What my children fail to realize is that I have been on this rodeo ride with them before. I'm not going to yell, scream, or get upset. I just don't want them in the room where I am therefore, they need to leave. Seems when they have no audience though, they calm down. At any rate, I said no and they marched off to their rooms.

Five minutes later, Nicholas emerges with this...

For the 5 year old-just learning to write-translation:
Mom I love you Please can we watch Barney with Gabby I hope that you will let us watch.
Yes, Nicholas. Go get Isabella and you both can watch the show with Gabby.
He had me at I love you :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow Michelle, impressive. Gotta love the minds of babes. I now promise to start leaving comments on your blog. I have followed it since day one. Better late than never, right?
Aunt Jenni

Robin said...

Very cute! Smart move Nick!

Jana B said...

Godd!!! That just tugs at the heart strings. That is so very sweet... definitely framable material. Love and miss you guys!
Aunt Jana