Friday, March 16, 2007

I want to be like DAD

Every day BEFORE Jeffrey goes to work, he completes a little routine. He showers, brushes his teeth, does his hair, gets dressed, etc.
Every day AFTER Jeffrey goes to work, Nicholas completes the same routine, only modified. He will say goodbye to his Dad, go to his room, and reappear in jeans and a white tee-shirt. He walks straight to our room where he, too, will put gel in his hair, brush his hair, brush his teeth and sometimes put on Jeffrey's deodorant.
Today was a little different. He did all of the above but it took him a little longer than usual. I thought, "What is taking him so long?" but I must have said this outloud because Isabella said something about a bloody lip. "What bloody lip?" As fast as the signal went from my brain to my legs to RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN, I ran as fast as I could.
By the time I reached the bathroom, he already had a band-aid on his chin but it was full of blood and still coming out by his chin. OH MY GOSH!!! I said nothing to him except that I needed to see the cut. You see, this was the day that he took his primping routine a little further and thought he should add shaving to his regiment. After inspecting the cut, I was able to determine that as soon as the razor touched his face and cut him (I'm guessing immediately), he stopped what he was doing and tried to doctor himself up.
He was left with two small cuts on his chin and a promise to go to Target this weekend and find a child's razor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think you'd better hide the car keys, to be on the safe side Michelle.