Saturday, July 05, 2008

Counting Down

I have reached the point in the month of July where I get excited enough that I feel like I want to jump out of my own skin. Insomnia sets in and I start cleaning my house like a crazy person. Lists are all over my house for the grocery store, people who will be coming into the house and what their responsibilities are, things that need to be done, and things that will need to be here the beginning of Aug. What is going on you ask???


In 2 days I need to have our luggage ready to ship to Mom's house. I try real hard not to take anything on the plane except for me and the children and our snacks and projects. I get all of our clothes ready beforehand and I ship them. Everything is there just before we arrive and I didn't have to carry it.

In 6 days I will drive to the airport and pick up my girlfriend from the East coast. She is spending a few days with us and will help me on the plane for the flight back to WV.

In 11 days I will be flying home!!! I dispise flying but it is a necessary evil. I get motion sickness and it is a long day for me but it seems to disappear the minute I see my Mom. In 11 days, I get to see my Mom and Tom!!!!

In 12 days, I will hopefully see everyone back home. My Grandma, my Dad, my brother, my new nephew and niece that I have yet to meet, my new house that I bought, green grass, blue sky that has no smoke passing by from nearby fires, and all of my friends. I'm so excited!!!

First though, I better finish my lists. Who will pet sit for all of our creatures? Who will collect the mail? How will my business run while I am gone? Is everything in order for me to leave?

I know that everything will run smoothly while I'm away but I need to have something to think about while I'm up ALL NIGHT, right??? On second thought, who cares!!! I'M GOING HOME!!!!


Anonymous said...

I Can't Wait!!!! I get pretty dag-gone excited myself.

Love you---Mom

Meg said...

YAY for going home!! Trust me, I know how good that feels.

But bought a house??? Details please!

Anonymous said...

ok, me too... you bought a house? we need to talk.