Friday, September 14, 2007

Art from #2.

A couple weeks ago, Jeffrey was showing off his ability to make pig noises while we were having dinner. (Attractive, I know, but necessary for this story.) As we all know, too, Jeffrey's line of work makes him prone to comments and name calling regarding law enforcement officers.

The other day, Isabella came home with a drawing entitled...

My Dad is a Pig!!!

I couldn't stop laughing!!!!


Magz said...

OMG that is priceless!!! did Jeffrey handle THAT gracefully???

This week, we got sent home Miri's first ever school artwork. (She also got a certificate for good drawing)


My baby is a school-girl now.

Robin said...

Nice drawings Isabella! How is life in Pre-K? How is life in Kindergarten? Hope all is well with you. By the way you CD turned up in the mail today - apparently in my haste to get it out in the mail I failed to put a zip code on the enevelope. So I will resend on Monday this time with a zip for sure. Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Isabella, your talents are endless. Love You
Grandma Cheyann

Anonymous said...

A Pig--what a cut-up!! Once in a while everyone should snort!!! Love ya, Louie